School Administrators of South Dakota (SASD)

Superintendent Award Information - 2025

Dear South Dakota Community Members, Board Members, and Educators,

The purpose of this letter is to roll out the 2025 South Dakota School Superintendent Award Nomination process.

We have outstanding educational leaders in South Dakota. Please join the South Dakota School Superintendent Association in celebrating our public school superintendents by submitting nominations for the following awards:

Outstanding Superintendent of the Year

The SDSSA Executive Board honors an “Outstanding Superintendent of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent who has made signifi cant contributions to Leadership for Learning, Communication, Professionalism, and Community Involvement.

Click to download (PDF)

Community Leader of the Year

The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted a “Community Leader” Award to honor a superintendent who has made an investment in his/her community above and beyond the scope of the school district’s responsibilities.

Click to download (PDF)

Innovator of the Year

The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted an “Innovator of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent who has exhibited exemplary leadership ability in creating new programs or concepts that have a positive impact on staff development, recruitment, or retention, or creating new programming that directly impacts student learning, student achievement, or student educational experiences.

Click to download (PDF)

Rookie of the Year

The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted a “Rookie of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent in their fi rst three years in the profession who has exhibited exemplary leadership ability in making a diff erence in their school district through new programs or concepts that have a positive impact on the dynamics of the district.

Click to download (PDF)

Distinguished Service Award

The SDSSA Executive Committee has instituted a Distinguished Service Award to honor retired or retiring superintendents who have exhibited exemplary leadership ability and have enhanced the school’s superintendency in South Dakota .

Click to download (PDF)

*All individuals nominated for Outstanding Superintendent will be automatically nominated for Community Leader and Innovator of the Year. Individuals may submit specifi c nominations for Innovator and Community Leader of the Year.

Please download this packet and complete the components associated with the nomination. All nominations should include the basic data and overview sheet.

Nominations are due by March 28.

Thank you for supporting and celebrating your leaders,

SDSSA Executive Board