Molly Hudgens, who single handedly stopped a school shooter on September 28, 2016 in Tennessee is the speaker kicking off our ASBSD / SASD Joint Convention in Sioux Falls. Somewhere north of 525 school board members and administrators have gathered to learn.
There was a good turnout today at the “New Superintendent’s Workshop” in Oacoma. This session is the kickoff to the three day statewide conference for South Dakota school superintendent’s.
SB 127 as it came out of committee yesterday will be heard on the Senate floor shortly. It will more than likely pass as is. Schools will be working to make whatever accountability measure that comes forward work.
SB 127, the education accountability bill will be continued in a conference committee between three members of each the House and Senate today at 4:00. These meetings are not online. We are in the process of discussing percentages.
SB 127, the education accountability bill will be heard in a conference committee between three members of each the House and Senate today at 12:00. These meetings are not online. We are in the process of discussing percentages.
SB 203 which would allow individuals with an enhanced permit for concealed carry is being heard in House Judiciary this morning. We are opposed to this bill on the basis that it should be the school board making the decision on who can carry a weapon in a school.
HB 1048 as amended was heard this morning in House Education. It passed out of committee on an 11 to 2 vote. We will continue to have discussions in the Senate
HB 1048 will be heard in House Ed this morning. We anticipate it being held over for action until Wednesday to allow time to look at any amendments and numbers being provided today. We will not testify for or against today as we wait for more information