Continuing Education
SD School Business Official Certification
The South Dakota Department of Education offers school business official certification if you meet the requirements as outlined in the following Administrative Rule:
24:15:06:38. Business official endorsement. A business official endorsement requires:
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university; and
- The completion of one of the following:
(a) Two years of experience as a school business official in a local education agency; or
(b) A minimum of two semester hours of undergraduate or graduate level coursework in each of the areas of accounting, school finance, school law, and school business administration; - A stand alone school service specialist lifetime certificate is non-renewable.
If you meet the requirements, complete the initial certification application available on the DOE website at https://doe.sd.gov/certification.
Follow the online application instructions. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Accreditation & Teacher Quality at (605) 773-3134.